What do I hope to learn?

What do I want to learn? The answer does not come all that easy for me. The reason being is because I am not entirely sure what is going to be taught in this course. More specifically, what depth of technology is considered a level 100 class? I suppose only time will tell. But for now, here are some of my hopes.

My peers and I have grown up with technology. Each year we grew, technology grew with us, at an even more rapid and advanced rate. So, we are familiar with managing and operating technology already. As a result, my generation has a pre-existing background of technology. The basics, that is. So the answer to this question is, I hope to learn something I do not already know.

I would like this course to help me build onto my already existing knowledge of technology. I am very familiar with the basics which include Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. Also, I have been taught how to use a couple Adobe applications including InDesign and Photoshop. However, practice makes perfect, and I have been out of practice for awhile. Therefore, re-learning how to use these applications is something I hope to accomplish. Also, these skills will be helpful toward my major, advertising and public relations, which is the ultimate goal, really.

Additionally, I would like to get a handle on some of the technology jargon. Using technology involves a lot of technical, and sometimes abbreviated, terms. More likely than not, i have heard of these terms before, but I am not quite sure what they actually mean or are referring to. Therefore, I hope this class helps me build my technological diction (see, I’m not even sure if that is how I should refer to it). I am sure this skill will go hand in hand with learning how to use certain programs. However, the new vocabulary will not only benefit me for my own personal understanding, but will also be a benefit for my future profession. Hopefully I can use such technical jargon to my advantage in resumes, using it to help build credibility and relevance.

Again, technology is not something I am, per say, “fluent” in. I have never had a personal interest to study, experiment, or explore the technology world, unless I was required to in a class. Which, I suppose, is what is happening now. However, I am always grateful for the lessons in the end, even if I become frustrated and struggle tirelessly (truthfully). Maybe this class will help me realize, hey, this is actually interesting and not too hard after all. In fact, I am quite intrigued with this course. I know the technology world will only keep expanding exponentially, so I mine as well adapt and grow with new changes and advancements.


I suppose I could read an easy to understand book to gain knowledge on everything technology related. However, even though this may be a nice beginner tool, it would be hard not to feel like I were being mocked. Plus, who has time to read such lengthy pieces anymore. Informational ones, at that. Plus, my social media-and-internet-reliant-raised-self needs information instantly, right? No time for nonsense when we have technology at our fingertips. So, here’s to learning more about how to use technology in a respectable and fun environment, let the learning begin.


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